Finding International Healthcare Skills for NZ

Mar 13, 2018

Despite a change in government the demand for skills has not eased and immigration policy around skilled healthcare roles is largely unaffected. 

With 380 extra specialists needed every year and 25,000 more nurses by 2030,  New Zealand health boards, hospitals and healthcare agencies are continuing to look skilled people from offshore. 

If you can’t find the people you need here, then we have well-proven channels to introduce you to skilled healthcare workers interested in moving to New Zealand. 

As well as our bespoke international hiring days (targeting the location of your choice) we are also running an event for NZ companies in London and Manchester this September. 

Meet Lisa

Meet Lisa

Clinical Nurse Specialist, Lisa, is celebrating 12 months living in NZ....

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Meet Terri

Meet Terri

Medicine in rural areas (Greymouth specifically) is a lot better than other...

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Meet Lyn

Meet Lyn

A Mental health Nurse from Scotland. She’s been living and working in Rotorua...

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Meet Sharon

Meet Sharon

Sonographer, Sharon, along with her husband and two daughters arrived in NZ...

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